5:00 PM17:00

June 2021 (Virtual) Community Summit

Join us 5:00 - 7:00p EST, Wednesday June 2, 2021 (Virtually)!

Students, Adult Allies, and City Officials are all welcome to attend this year’s Virtual Community Summit – hosted by the Student Leadership of Pathways2Power for solution-driven conversation and workshops. We hope to see you there. Let’s create change!


Pathways 2 Power is a student-led activist group originated from Thurgood Marshall Academy, but inclusive of the city as a whole. We are starting conversations about issues going on in our backyard that have been normalized, including violence, crime, housing insecurity, mental health, and more. Our organization works to create a seat at the table in decision making that directly impacts our community. We are making change in our communities and finding ways to include our voices in the larger conversations in the city concerning violence. We are working to create a healthy community that lives up to the DC pride we have.


  • Opening Remarks

  • P2P Introduction

  • Breakout Room Session 1 Topics:

    • Gun violence

    • Policing

    • Environmental Justice

    • Student Leadership (Student Voice + Advocacy)

  • Breakout Room Session 2 Topics:

    • Safe Passage/Transportation

    • Mental Health

    • Artistic Expression

    • Sexual Health

  • Solutions Presentation

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to Sep 25

National Building Museum

P2P joins Everytown and Moms Demand Action for the Gun Violence Memorial Project

The Gun Violence Memorial Project comprises four houses, each built of 700 glass bricks, a reference to the number of people in the U.S. killed by guns every week. Over time, the bricks will continue to be filled with remembrance objects donated by immediate family members of loved ones taken by gun violence. The houses currently hold hundreds of objects—including photographs, baby shoes, graduation tassels, jewelry, a jump rope, and a prayer book—that reveal the personal narratives of each victim.

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10:00 AM10:00

Biden-Harris Administration Actions to Address Gun Violence


Wednesday, April 7, 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration announced six initial actions to address the gun violence public health epidemic.

President Biden is reiterating his call for Congress to pass legislation to reduce gun violence. Last month, a bipartisan coalition in the House passed two bills to close loopholes in the gun background check system. Congress should close those loopholes and go further, including by closing “boyfriend” and stalking loopholes that currently allow people found by the courts to be abusers to possess firearms, banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines, repealing gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability, and investing in evidence-based community violence interventions. Congress should also pass an appropriate national “red flag” law, as well as legislation incentivizing states to pass “red flag” laws of their own

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Initial Actions to Address the Gun Violence Public Health Epidemic:

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